Thursday, October 16, 2008

Calendars, Great Ages and historical landmarks.

1. The Mythical Period.
The Tradition named so that to an ancient era dominated by the rivalries of the deities. It was before any written record or the first of the calendar. Therefore, this period is not included as historical. However is a constant feature, with changes, in the mythical worldviews of different cultures. What we talk now is drawn primarily from the human cosmogony but it seems that this tradition in its essence is respected by the three great hegemony cultures (Human, Elven and Dwarfs).
It is said that before all things there were two Siamese Forces and all lay in balance. Gradually, their rivalry led them to fight among themselves and were pulled from each other. The balance was broken and the Forces causing the first exploded Gods.
The Gods that emerged from the heads of those Forces were regarded as Essential. Thus, the Essence of Light was shared by the God Herges, Essence of Magic and the Omnipresent God, Essence of Life. Whereas the Essence of Darkness had only one representative, Kaos, Essence of Death.

The groups of Gods continued rivalry maintained by the Forces and were engaged in battles against each other. The Gods, led by their Essences were grouped in the Order of Light and Darkness. The latter were due to the first when those decided to flee. Created the Known World to escape from their tormentors and created the Cosmos as a maze to impede their search as long as possible. They also created beings in his image and likeness to hide among them.

However, the dark gods ended up finding them and continued their war.
They also decided to create their own creatures that made them fight against the creatures created by their rivals. Tired of fighting, the Luminous Gods decided to make a powerful engine, a weapon to banish Dark Essence, because as Essence he can not die, only to be locked, set aside. They imagined deleted Prince Kaos, his army would soon falter. So many Gods sacrificed to give power to the ultimate weapon which was called: FlowerJade.(noone explain why)

The chosen to wield it were the weakest of all creatures, the humans, creations of Essence of Life, The Omnipresent God who gave them self-determination. The ploy was effective and humans get to reach Kaos and banish him. At that moment, the rest of the contestants knew that a new era had begun and that they should leave the stage to this creatures they had created, last winning that war. the Gods withdrew not without understanding that while there the only two antagonistic pathways conflict will always exist. So many gave up their ways by choosing a third way: Neutral Path, whose responsibility would always keep the balance.
So, the Age of Mortals began.

2.-The Rabarnaka. (R.)
Corresponding to the first written documentation and the beginning of the first known calendar, also called The Rabarnaka. Although some authors consider it in the mythical times and maybe it is, about legendary, is clearly within History and detached from those events, no doubt a product of the collective mythology. Is equivalent to arise from the Dwarves as hegemonic race, the first people to show signs of  historical life .
Talk their legends that Mostar, the Creator, chief god of the dwarves forged such formidable creatures as the rest of the Gods, envying those creations, forced him to cut their legs and hide under the ground. However the dwarves dug to the surface and went abroad.

This calendar, the Rabbarnaka, sets the time domination, or at least dwarf hegemony, on the world through authentic warlords called Masons (a term that although primitive undermined its etymology is still preserved to appoint both the great aristocrats as military generals).
It is also believed that during this period came first the four mythical forests of the elves, forests Legendary Four in each of the corners of the world that would eventually give the roots of the four cardinal points.
The end of the period generally established about 1600 years after its inception with the spread of a supposed epidemics to forced the dwarfs to return to the protection of the mountains and leave open the world hegemony to the Elves.

3 .- Older elf calendar .
 Vaill-l-Vhäldha-(V.v.) Time of Glory.
With Vaill-l-Vhäldha (1-2775 V.v.) marks the beginning to the long time domination elven determining not only would the elves themselves, as their mark would be felt in the cultural foundations of their heirs, the human kingdoms. The majority of human culture and his future empire sink its roots in the universal concept that developed the elven people during his long hegemony.
The elf domain is segmented into several parts:
For almost a millennium (up to 998 V.v.) shows the progress and consolidation of the four mythical kingdom of the corners of the world, until the formation of a single dominant bloc.

This block, articulated through the figure of an Elven Emperor and the aristocratic rule of the princes of the Garden marked the start of the High Elven Period (998-2114 Vv), higher peak brilliance of Elvish History (dates are always approximate in these periods).
The end of the elven unit with the Lineage Revolution (2114 Vv) questioned the social order of the Empire and eventually sectioned the Elvish people into races, clans and independent territories, although, in theory, obedient to the Elvish Emperor. But tensions would increase when the new patriarchal clans decided to stop being imperial vassals.

So begin the terrible civil wars between elves, the Elfid Wars (usually named just Elfid) dated from 2640-2775 V.v. Time of the final date of the fratricidal wars when the Kaasarí Hero, Ulvar all'Dharis (controversial figure in the historiography, as each side it claims for itself as the hero himself) drew aside just for the diverted a powerful  thrust of his sword, which split open the continent and physically separate them both contenders creating the Sändriel island that broke away from the mainland.
The ambivalence of this character and also the key to historical confusion is that the texts do not clarify which side was removed and therefore considered deviant in their practices. Both groups, continental elves and  Sändriel elves (later renamed Splited Elves) will be considered fair, and understand that the rivals were separated by the righteous hand.

In any case, the continent once again change the calendar (the Sändriel Elves still dating through Vaill-l-Vhäldha). The new calendar established patriarchal order and start checking the terms: Before and After Excision (B / A. ex) The end of the Elfid would also mark the slow decline of Elvish power and authority in the world ... It is the slow withdrawal of elven omnipotence and the resurgence of those would be the new heir of the world: Humans.

4.-The Warriors States. (670-1001 A. ex.)
Traditional view is that humans were originally slaves of the Elves. The Tradition of high elvish period tells so that but they were probably only states with strong bonds of vassalage even including tax payments. During the civil war period, these kingdoms probably dissociated most of its bonds with the elves and began his career as independent nations. This independence grew during the waning period after Elvish Excision to become powerful states who took the baton from their once dominant, picking up much of their cultural heritage and transforming it to the new reality.

Good evidence of this is that states and human kingdoms continued for a thousand years dating their destinations with the New Elvish Calendar (After Excision.)
The myriad of states and human kingdoms succeeded in forming their own identity as opposed to neighboring states and human kingdoms. It was a time of self-assertion and struggle for territorial dominance. Hegemony is enhanced when the House of Mirykaban, monarchs in the Old Kingdom of Lorkayr, based on the growing Church of Yelm (Justice God) and the powerful former Military Order of the Jerivha , won legitimacy as the first power of the human world, establishing the first dynasty of human Emperors (shamelessly copying the Ancient Elvish High Empire model, which were both culturally) Thus began an aggressive annexation and control campain along time over their neighbors which finished with effective control of virtually all the Central Arminia.

5.-The Human Empire. (1 -C 1371. I)
It starts with the human calendar, the Imperial Calendar (I.c.)
The aggressive Old Lorkayr imperialist policy would be continued by his successors. This policy of military and cultural dominance, ideological support for Church of Yelm and Jerivha Knights, and complemented by the economic dominance would be the standard identifier of the Empire. Would follow new lines of emperors, some using noble insurrections and conspiracies, and capital change several times to fix it permanently in Immortalia, Empire-City. However, in a short drive lines vary its policy unless fewer dependence of the inquisitors Jerivha be replaced by the increasingly obvious Yelmitt Church, which would be finally identified with the power that became its Imperial Army, stronghold of moral guidelines. With this scenario: a world bowed to the interests emanating from Empire City and the reports of Belhedor castle, Imperial residence, arrived at the early stages of this story. A revolt led by the Worship of Kallah, the so-called Revolt of the Temple (1348 Ci) and the training of the Army of Extermination that sought to radically eliminate all the power established by the Empire using as tools the physical extermination of all elements that supported it, especially the human race as a whole (War of Extermination cI 1348-56) But this gesture appeared to have other elements which are rooted in the legends of yesteryear ...


  1. Desde luego la sensación de amplitud de tu universo da vértigo, pero vértigo del bueno.

  2. A pesar de recurrir a escenarios comunes, el hacerlo de la mano de la imaginación histórica hace todo más atractivo y real; inspirador. :-) Hoy empiezo a leer El Enviado.
