Saturday, April 9, 2011

Wind of Changes

To all those who have accompanied me during these two years: Thank you.

It seems, it was yesterday when from this site you encouraged me to start an adventure. The time seems to be smoke in my memory. So much has happened.
I realize that this space has been abandoned for a long time, just intact since in my life, things began to run rapidly. Yet the visits have not stopped coming, get emails from ...
I feel a moral obligation to explain some things to those who have tirelessly kept the expectation.

My personal and work life has undergone radical changes. Neither I am  nor I can be the same person than two years ago. This time has helped me to meet people, see many things, balance and sharing information with people who have been in this business and have a lot more experience than me. That leads me to see things not seen before, to have a broader perspective, to remove some ghosts from my head, to recognize in this whole complex world that I have to go. This has encouraged the distance maintained in this space.

I understand that many of you know about my current work to the draft illustrator Luis Royo. Such projects are those a writer can not refuse. I realize that  the achievement of these goals it has influenced my long absent time at this space, but it is not the main reason.
The main reason has been to reflect on the adequacy of the current model of this project. I have invested so much time for reflection, reaching a conclusion I will share with you:
It's a matter of fact that this saga will NOT be published on the editorial it has.  It will not, by unilateral own personal decision. I make this decision aimed with the growing of this story. Higher quality and greater global distribution network is in principle the two key assumptions to understand this change.This does not mean the saga is abandoned or no longer published, quite the contrary. There is a line of work that involves not only the continuation of this saga but the correction and improvement reedition f the volumes already published. If anyone thinks that the work of more than a decade can be abandoned without more, he is simply wrong. The steps are given but it is too early to talk about specific dates.

To solve this impasse of time announced a restructuring and revitalization of this site shortly. This blog will change completely and drastically.
There's also a series of related projects set in the world of this saga that will be soon in your knowledge. The first innovation is the announcement of a tactical alliance: Javier Charro, responsible for the cover ilustrations of this saga and myself will sign a collaboration lasting several works that explore new frontiers, formats and narrative formulas directly related to the characters and backgrounds of this saga. They will be stories that any of the reader of this franchise wull recognizebut they will not require the reading of the saga to be understood and enjoyed in all its nuances. So I hope to compensate those who expect further installments of this series and those who know this work without any further reference.

The Barcelona Comic Fair to be held on days in Barcelona and we will focus attention to the final definition of these projects. On our return will initiate a collaborative venture in which I have intention to involve you from the same germ.

This saga is a living project, exciting and growing, which takes advantage of my greater maturity in the field after two years and it is far from taken for finished its journey. On the contrary I invite you all to stay tuned to this space and others who will come to effect. With the cooperation and involvement of  Javier Charro in the universe of Jade Flower, this story wins a major step in its construction that I hope it will not leave anyone indifferent.
Wait you all for news, because news will come soon.

A hug to everyone


  1. Parece que al fin la cosa se pone seria. Un proyecto más fuerte siempre será para mejor.
    Mucho ánimo.
    Si necesitas cualquier cosa enciende el humo azul.

  2. Humo Azul encendido. Diles a Miquel y al Abuelo que vayan afilando hachas. Hay piernas que cortar, Tuhsêk. Que se pongan en contacto conmigo. Vuelven a sonar los tambores en el horizonte.

  3. Bravo, bravo y bravo. Una saga tan indispensable como esta no podía quedarse en la estacada.
    Sigo por aquí, siempre.

  4. Me alegro por tí, Jesús. Hay que progresas y cuando algo no funciona, hay que cortar por lo sano. Siempre que sea para crecer, tendrás todo mi apoyo en cada cosa que hagas. Si tenemos que esperar un poco más para conocer cómo continúa esta fascinante historia, tendremos paciencia, amigo. Ánimo!

  5. ¡Mucha suerte en tu nueva aventura, Vilches! Y no se te ocurra dejar secar La Flor, que somos muchos los que disfrutamos de su aroma.
    Bueno, te dejo, porque precisamente tengo una cita con Allwënn, je (estoy con la segunda parte).
    Un fuerte abrazo, amigo mío.

  6. Muchisima suerte con este nuevo paso.
    Veras que te va air super lindo.
    Y cualquier cosa... ya sabes donde encontrarme. :D

  7. Ah,mi querido LeDiable, no sabes cuanto me alegra conocer esa noticia.
    Sabes que siempre he sido tu leal admirador.
    Un abrazo.

  8. Eres grande tío, muy grande...siempre acabas impregnándome de toda tu ilusión y tu fuerza...continua hacia adelante porque te seguiré pase lo que pase...


  9. My pleasure. Don't forget that the important matter is understanding, after that mastery will come.
